Associate Tutors
David Crees

Associate Tutor - Chaplaincy
A little about me:
- After serving as a schools-worker and lay church-plant leader I was ordained into the CofE.
- I have served in the Army since 2004 and have served 11 units including 2 Artillery, 4 Infantry (including tours of Iraq and Afghanistan), Army HQ and both Assistant and Senior Chaplain roles at Sandhurst.
- Currently I am Deputy Principal and Chief Instructor at the Armed Forces Chaplaincy Centre at the Defence Academy and head up the Royal Army Chaplains’ Department ethical teaching to Junior and Commanding Officers.
Andrew Dovey

Associate Tutor - Chaplaincy
A little about me:
- I spent 35 years in the oil and gas construction industry and Procurement and Contracts Manager and then consultant for Oil and Gas Companies. I was ordained in 2007 when I served my curacy.
- Before taking up a full time position as Ecumenical Chaplain at a NHS Acute Trust I also served as Prison Chaplain at HMP Wandsworth where I spent 3 years part time and spent 8 years as a volunteer at the Trust I now work at.
- I completed my Master’s in Healthcare Chaplaincy at St Padarn’s Institute and have since become Bishops Advisor for Healthcare, Ambassador for the College of Health Care Chaplains as well as on the committee for the Network for Pastoral, Spiritual and Religious in Healthcare.
- I currently hold the post of Head of Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care and Bereavement Manager at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust which has two hospitals, 15 community hubs and district teams for children and adult services.
Jim Francis

Associate Tutor - Chaplaincy
Paul Nash

Associate Tutor - Chaplaincy
Louise Yaull

Associate Tutor - Chaplaincy
A little about me:
- I have worked in the NHS for 20 years as a registered nurse and for the last 10 years as a hospital chaplain.
- I am passionate about enabling people to discover healing in a more holistic way.
Children Youth and Families
George Lings

Associate Tutor - Children, Young People and Families
A little about me
- I’m the Former Director of Research for the Church Army and co-author of the Mission Shaped Church report alongside numerous books/reports looking at Messy Church and other Fresh Expressions. I have years of experience in theological reflection and teaching.
Lisa Lyall

Associate Tutor - Children, Youth and Families
A little about me:
- I have over 25 years experience in kids ministry and launched many new initiatives and built a large team of leaders.
- I also lead the UK team for one of the Pentecostal denominations, running conferences and equipping and training workers.
- My main passion is investing in others
Yvonne Morris

Associate Tutor - Children, Youth and Families
- I am an author and Children's Adviser for the Diocese of Oxford, helping, supporting, training and advising churches and their workers on their ministry with children.
- I also still get to practise ministry locally at St Matthew's and Luke's Churches in Oxford, where I was Youth and Children's Minister for ten and a half years before taking up her diocesan role.
Gary Smith

Associate Tutor - Children, Youth and Families
- Following working for many years for The Boys' Brigade, helping launch and develop Boys Brigade initiatives across the UK. I later established an organisation called Big Ideas, best known for the discipleship initiative, Ignite.
- I also helped with developing the Cardiff Street Pastors that deploys trained Christians to work on the streets of the city centre every Friday and Saturday night.
- I am currently the UK Hubs Director overseeing workers in Scotland, Wales and the Midlands and my main focus is Leadership Development.
Matt Summerfield

Associate Tutor- Children, youth and Families
- I am the Senior Pastor of Zeo Church.and from 2000 to 2018 I was CEO and, more recently, President at the youth and children’s missionary movement, Urban Saints.
- I am passionate about releasing potential in people, teams and organisations, with a particular bias towards seeing children and young people live God’s great adventure for their lives.
Chloe Swart

Associate Tutor -Children, Youth and Families
A little about me:
- I live in Swansea and I work for my local Church Cornerstone, as the student worker and I am also head of Alpha Wales.
- I am currently studying a PhD in Theology studying healing miracles in Wales.
Rachel Turner

Associate Tutor - Children, Youth and Families
- I am the Parenting for Faith Pioneer at Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) and have worked in churches for over 12 years as a Family Life Pastor, Children's Pastor, and a Youth Pastor.
- I continue to consult, speak at conferences and run training days for parents, children, youth workers and church leaders around the UK and Europe.
- I am also the author of four books and a Parenting for faith course