Canon Prof. Jeremy Duff

My responsibilities include:
- Leading and managing St Padarn’s Institute so we deliver outstanding mission-orientated formation and training
- Focus on praying, setting and maintaining St Padarn’s culture, looking to the future, supporting the senior team, and our relationships with the wider church
- Teaching and Publishing in New Testament Theology and Greek
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379
Canon Dr Manon Ceridwen James

Dean for Initial Ministerial Training
My responsibilities include:
- Initial Ministerial Development which includes preparation for ministry and formation for candidates.
- Welsh mission and development of Welsh resources
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379

Revd Dr Mark Griffiths JP

Dean of Discipleship
My responsibilities include:
- Newly Licensed Minister Training
- Lay Discipleship Development & Resources
- Children, Young People & Family Ministry Development
- Missional Research
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379
Dr Charlie Hadjiev

Director of MA Theology, Ministry & Mission
My responsibilities include:
- Leading and overseeing the development of St Padarn’s MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission
- Teaching hermeneutics and biblical studies
- Being actively involved in biblical research
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379
Dr Monika Benitan

Director of Chaplaincy
My responsibilities include:
- Leading and overseeing all Chaplaincy Programmes
- Teaching Ethics as part of the BTh Programme.
- Part of the Formation for Licensed Ministry team
- Researching in ethics and spirituality
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379
Revd Dr Jordan Hillebert

Director of Formation
My responsibilities include:
- Teaching, researching, and supervising in the areas of Christian theology and ethics
- Overseeing the fulltime community of ministerial candidates at the St Padarn’s Cardiff site
- Bringing together and giving coherence, drive, and energy to all of the work in personal, spiritual and character formation for our candidates for ministry
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379
Revd Chris Burr

Director of Continuing Ministerial Development
My responsibilities include
- Ongoing ministerial training and development for Ordained Ministers, Readers and Licensed Lay Ministers (in collaboration with other colleagues)
- Resourcing and supporting the development of Ministerial Development Review
- Resourcing and supporting Life Events in the Church in Wales
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379
Revd Chris Thomson

Convenor of the Pioneer Community and Tutor in Contextual Learning
My responsibilities include:
- Supporting Pioneer Ministry across the Church in Wales, networking and encouraging those who wish to connect with the concept of ‘pioneering’, which reaches far beyond those identified as Pioneer Ministers.
- Ensuring that the contextual training (placements) for all those training to be licensed ministers (lay and ordained) in the Church in Wales, best equips them for their future ministries.
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379
Dr Siôn Aled Owen

Tutor in Welsh Theology
My responsibilities include:
- Supporting learning through the medium of Welsh, and from the perspective of Welsh culture, history and theology, throughout St Padarn’s programmes
- Leading the work of increasing vocations and theological learning among Welsh speakers
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379

Dr Elizabeth Corsar

Tutor in Biblical Studies
My responsibilities include:
- Teaching within St Padarn’s broad range of programmes
- Supporting the spiritual and communal life of the community of full-time candidates for ordained and licensed lay ministries
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379
Revd Dr Alun Evans

Tutor in Mission
My responsibilities include:
- Teaching Christian mission academically and practically on a broad range of programmes
- Mission research
- Part of the Formation for Licensed Ministry team
You can contact me on:
Tel: 02920 563379
Revd Dr Sally Nash

Senior Research Fellow
My responsibilities include:
- Teaching on the Master's programmes
- Supporting the spiritual and communal life of the community of full-time candidates for ordained and licensed lay ministries
You can contact me on:
Phone: 02920 563379
Occasional Lecturers
Paula Yates

Occasional Lecturer
A little about me:
- I teach the module Exploring Welsh Christianity Past, Present and future for St Padarn's
Postgraduate Teaching Assistants
Jamie Ellis

Postgraduate Teaching Assistant
Lauren Randall

Postgraduate Teaching Assistant
Corey Hampton