Canon Professor Jeremy Duff

A liverpudlian, my first job was in the Army. I went on to read Maths and then Theology in Cambridge, followed by a New Testament D.Phil in Oxford. The following years have seen a range of roles straddling both ‘front-line’ Christian ministry and ‘back-room’ roles in theological education and management – Curate, Vicar, Cathedral staff, School Chaplain, Director of Lifelong Learning, Research Fellow, Senior Lecturer, Theological College tutor, Governor (school, FE college, theological colleges both Anglican and Ecumenical) and Reviewer. I have a particular passion for ministry in deprived urban contexts and the transformative impact of the bible. I live in Wrexham, with two amazing boys and an inspiring wife. Wild camping and computer strategy games keep me sane.
The great privilege of my work is having the overview across St Padarn’s and seeing the amazing people that God calls from all sorts of different backgrounds and with different talents and to help unlock potential, remove barriers and contribute to formation and theological and ministerial development. It is also a joy to be working closely with our Bishops and others across the church in a positive relational way. I love teaching, and the chance I get to contribute across the board in our programmes and as an external speaker elsewhere in the UK. I can’t resist an opportunity to ‘bang on’ about courage, hope and prayer.