BTh (Hons) in Theology for Discipleship, Ministry, and Mission
Information for Applicants
Theology for Life (TFL) is a degree, diploma or certificate course which , helps you connect faith to everyday life through academic study. It is an accredited course in Theology, delivered by St Padarn’s Institute for the Church in Wales and validated by the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. You are first enrolled on a certificate, which you will gain after two years study. You may then continue to study for a further two years and gain a diploma. After six years study it is possible to gain a degree and the formal name is the BTh in Theology for Discipleship, Ministry and Mission. Each year you will study three modules (each level / qualification is six modules).
Each module starts with an introductory online session run by a subject specialist on Zoom. Then you will meet in a group online for eight sessions, led by a facilitator, to discuss learning materials which the subject specialist will have prepared for you. You will access all this material online. During the term you will also meet in a larger group with others in your area for a midterm seminar. At the end of the module, you will write an assignment. For the final two years (level 6 – to gain the BTh) the course is run on a weekday evening on Zoom.
Church in Wales learners (annually)
Non-Church in Wales Learners (annually)
Course fees are invoiced by the Representative Body and you can set up a payment plan to spread the cost. If paying is a problem, let your tutor know and we may be able to help.
Students may be eligible for grants through Student Finance. To find out please contact Student Finance for the home nation where you usually live:
The BTh (Theology for Life) is for anyone who wants to deepen their faith and learn more about theology. You will need to be reasonably confident using computers and the internet. You will also need to be someone who would benefit from thinking about faith more ‘academically’ i.e. you enjoy discussing ideas with others and are willing to be challenged by your reading and thinking. Questions to ask yourself would be:
Do I have the time?
Am I willing to explore my beliefs deeply, and ask difficult questions?
Am I willing to listen to other people and take on board their views?
Am I willing to learn?
Even if I’m nervous, am I willing to learn how to write academically – be critical (in the right way), develop an argument, enjoy my reading and writing?
Am I comfortable using a computer, using the internet, reading ebooks and submitting work online?
The course is delivered in English, although you can have a personal tutor who is Welsh speaking, and you can be assigned to a Welsh facilitated group, and submit your assignments in Welsh.
Only those who have been formally accepted for ministry training with the Church in Wales and sponsored by their bishop can follow the course full-time.
Yes. If you are in a formal process with the Church in Wales or about to start, please do speak to your Director of Vocations. Please remember, however, that this is only one part of the training for ministry. Once you have been sponsored by a bishop to train, there is much more to training for ministry than just theological learning. Please look at the Formation for Licensed Ministry programme on this website for more information. Normally, even if you have been doing Theology for Life for a while, we will help you reach the next level of qualification when you start training for ministry.
Great! Do speak to your priest and they can support you in thinking this through and taking discussions to the next stage.
Many people feel like this as they start the course. Do look out for the study skills seminars we put on every year at the beginning of the course. We can also suggest resources, videos and books that might help. Finally, you will be given a personal tutor and they will also be available to help you.
Yes, we do. If you are under 21 you should have at least 64 UCAS Tariff Points (e.g. Two Ds and an E at A-Level or equivalent).
However, most of our students are over 21 and we then take into account your experience and commitment to the course.
Our admissions policy can be found by clicking on the policies button at the bottom of the page.
Each module has around 2 hours of contact per week in your assigned facilitated group (for eight sessions per term), we also expect 2.5+ hours a week of self-study. There are also two, two-hour sessions, an introductory session and a mid-term session for the whole year group both online per term. You will also need time to write the assignments. Each module takes around 200 hours of teaching and self-study to complete.
We can help you to get a diagnosis and access help. Please let us know early and we can start working with you to access the support you may need. Help might include applying for the Disabled Students Allowance to enable you to buy equipment or access further support.
Let us know early and we may be able to work with you in order to get some of your prior learning recognised by the University.
Please come along to our induction course. Think carefully about whether you have the time to devote to study. Read the leaflet Help I’ve been accepted on the Theology for Life Programme This has lots of ideas about what to do next.
Please speak to your priest. Your church may run local groups you can join. Many churches have bible study groups or run courses such as Alpha to help people learn more about the Christian faith. We also have other courses – please look on our website. Two you might be interested in are Living and Learning and Jesus Shaped Life.
You can view the University of Wales Trinity St David Student Enrolment Agreement here
Accredited theological study is a requirement for most licensed ministries in the Church in Wales. Other careers which may be open to you with a theology degree are:
Higher Education Lecturer
Primary School Teacher
Secondary School Teacher.
Some of the above may need further qualifications
Theology graduates may also go on to a wide range of careers such as the police, administration in the private and public sectors, human resources and retail or hotel management.
Course Content
The course is divided into 3 levels, each level takes 2 years to complete.
The course can only be studied full-time by those sponsored by their Bishop to undergo full-time training for licensed ministry.
The Modules for 2024/25 are:
Teaching Block 1
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Introducing Christian Doctrine*
Exploring Christianity in Context Past, Present, and Future *
Engaging in Research and Theology *
Introducing New Testament
Exploring Missional Church
Engaging Theology & Contemporary Culture
Teaching Block 2
Introducing Christian Mission *
Exploring Christian Ethics *
Engaging Sacramental Theology and Mission *
Introducing Practical Theology
Exploring Christian Doctrine
Engaging Christology from the New Testament to the Creeds
Teaching Block 3
Introducing the Old Testament *
Exploring Biblical Interpretations *
Engaging Christian Leadership and the Bible *
Introducing Anglican Worship
Exploring a Canonical Reading of Scripture
Engaging with Global Christian Mission: Historical and Contemporary Impact
For more information and to register an interest in the course please contact us on: