Our work across Wales

St Padarn’s Institute plays an essential part in the development of children, young people and ministry development across the Province. It outworks this role in the following ways:

- Working with and networking key people across the province, including Diocesan Children/Youth/Family Officers, Provincial and Diocesan Directors of Education and of course the Bishop of Llandaff who has overall responsibility for this area of ministry. The various children/youth/family officers come together as a provincial network and St Padarn’s acts as a conduit between them and the Bishop
- Working with the Provincial Network to provide training events to help equip and empower those working in the area across the province
- Resourcing the Dioceses by pointing them in the direction of high quality events that can be run across the province, recent examples have included Carols at the Cathedrals and Y Parti Mawr.