Encouraging people to remember their own baptismal promises
At a recent training day with Sandra Millar in Leicester, I have used an idea she shared that has been really well received.
l placed a basket containing artificial rose petals next to the font and all in the congregation were encouraged to place a petal in the water if they wanted to remember their own baptism at this time. Some people I know impregnates the petals with scent each time.
At one of my churches, where the font is at the back by the door, I encouraged them to do it as they left. At another, where a small font was placed at the front, I made it a feature of the service and had quiet music playing.
The petals I used were sourced from ebay and are re-usable after drying out. The baskets I use came from a Pound Shop.
At one service in which I used this idea, over 80 people out of a congregation of 100 took part!
Rob Marsh